Blind COders
Blind Coders is a site and community about doing serious technical work for those who are blind or have a visual impairment.
- Data Science ( A list for blind data scientists and learners.
- Pythonvis This is a mailing list for visually impaired Python programmers. It’s pretty active.
- program-l: V.I. Programmers Discussion List This is a quite active general mailling list for blind programmers.
- Raspberry VI This is a mailing list for blind and VI Raspberry Pi enthusiasts and is a good place to ask about using Linux.
- Introductory Statistics 2e This free online (screen-reader-accessible) textbook from the OpenStax initiative is a great resource for aspiring (data) scientists, professionals, and anyone interested in building a foundational understanding of statistics. All figures have descriptive alt text, and all mathematical expressions/equations appear in MathML. Download and install the MathCAT plugin for NVDA to read and interactively navigate MathML.